I dont really have any questions that wont be answered in class or that haven't already been answered in class.




I have a lot of questions about college in general, and I wonder myself if college is necessary. My parents told my weekly and or daily while I was in high school that college is imperative to my success as an adult and directly proportional to the amount of money I could possibly make as an adult. But I didn’t like high school even. I almost dropped out of school after sophomore year. My parent, both successful and wealthy, were fine with the fact that I could possibly drop out. My dad told me once “I can see that school brings you no happiness and that you should probably drop out, get your G.E.D. and start on your life.” Needless to say I finished out school and am now in college, but why? My dad didn’t finish college, he dropped out. My mom finished high school and didn’t go to college or any secondary school. But guess what? My dad has A couple million in the bank and owns over 20 houses and is a successful realtor and landlord. I ask myself everyday why I should go to college and get a degree when I can see in my everyday life that college wasn’t necessary for either one of my parents. I know times have changed though, and a high school education back then is the equivalent to a college education now, but is it really necessary. I have a trust fund set up in my name for my college education and expenses along the way. If I wanted to I could go out and buy any new car I wanted, even a small house and get my life started. I wake up every morning at 8:00 and wonder why I’m doing this. There’s nothing more than I want than to be successful, to have a big ass house, to drive the nicest cars, and have many cars to choose from to drive. I feel that I have the same drive as my dad and that I could eventually be as successful and happy with his work an life as him, and I hope college can do that. Basically if you couldn’t tell by now, my research proposal has to do with college and why its so necessary to success now, and if its possible to get just as much success as a college education would give you without it. 

I might be alone on this one, but I don't see much problem with our school system right now. I know people are going to be like "Theres major problems!", I don't care about your opinion. School is school, if it was meant to be fun and enjoyable they would have names it that... Throughout my public schooling I didn't see a problem with the way I was taught, I put in effort or no effort depending on the class and got back what I deserve. School is meant to put strain on the student and see how he or she reacts and performs under pressure, thats why everyone doesn't go to Harvard. 
I think this reading fits perfectly in with the other reading that we’ve read so for. It seems to me that every article/ reading that we have gets more boring and hard to follow than the last. I didn’t think I could read anything more boring than the last article that we had to read on “learning” in school, but this article about the 5 paragraph essay blew that one right out of the water. Seriously though this article has to do with one of the articles we’ve read because I think that learning a formula to write an essay is just teaching people at a young age how to be average. If you are just following a formula to write an essay, I don’t care what you say, there is no skill in that. I used to have a tutor that could write a 5-paragraph essay with the same 3 subjects about any topic. He was a genius and he proved to me that you don’t have to be smart to write, you just have to make it work. I actually like the 5-paragraph essay for testing though. It almost makes writing fair, which in my mind is the most up in the air grade for a class. If a teacher just didn’t like you, he or she could take 10 points off easy and there would be nothing you could do about it. With the 5-paragraph essay though, most of the essays if not all of them look the same. If you follow the rule and just know how to write in general, you can write a 5-paragraph essay. I remember in high school it was all about the 5-paragraph essay and getting ready for the SAT. Now its like the 5 paragraph essay is out of date and unused in college.